Tools and Resources

The forms, websites and other resources that help things go.


Scoutbook is our tool that manages your Scout's advancement. Contact a leader for an invitation if you need one.
Advancement Requirements
BSA requirements for all ranks and awards.
Merit Badges
BSA requirements for all Merit Badges
myScouting Tools
The main portal of the BSA. Take YPT and other training here. There are other tools that may show depending on your official position in the BSA.
BSA Medical Forms
Medical forms are required for all participants at Scouting events. Forms are valid for one year.
The link above has the different medical forms for each class of event, and a description of when you need each one.
The Scout Shop
Online home of the BSA's official supply division.
Cradle of Liberty Council
Our Council's homepage, with information about what is going on in our local Scouting community.
Troop 151 Facebook Group
The Troop 151 Facebook group. This is a closed group for current members only.
GitHub hosts this website. Request access if you would like to help administer it.

Training Resources

Training resources and background check information.

To be a Volunteer in the BSA, you need all of the following:

Youth Protection Training
YPT is required every two years. To take this, login to There is a large, red link for YPT on the home screen.
PA Criminal Background Checks
Complete this on the ePATCH website. Required every 3 years for all volunteers who work with youth in PA.
Free for volunteers.
PA Child Abuse Clearance
Complete this on the CWIS website. Required every 3 years for all volunteers who work with youth in PA.
Free for volunteers.
FBI Fingerprint Check
Only required if you have not been a resident of PA for the last 10 years, but most school districts require it for all volunteers. See the current instructions at the KeepKidsSafePA website. You must visit an authorized location to be fingerprinted.
A fee is charged to have fingerprints taken.
Disclosure Statement
If you have been a PA resident for the last 10 years, complete this disclosure statement and submit this with your paperwork in lieu of fingerprints.
Upload to the COL Website
After you receive PDF certificates for all the above items, upload your clearances. This sends them to the Cradle of Liberty Council who needs to keep them on record.
Email to Marple Pres
Marple Pres "owns" our troop, so they need a copy too.
Position Specific Training
To remain a Troop 151 volunteer, you must be fully trained for your position according to the BSA. Login to and visit "My Dashboard" to review your current training status, and take the online courses you need.
Some courses require in-person training.
PA Mandated Reporter Training
In certain people who work with youth have been nominated as "Mandated Reporters" — meaning there are civil and criminal penalties if you witness an act of child abuse and fail to report it.
Most Scouting volunteers qualify as mandated reporters. Others are "Permissive Reporters."
Want to know what is expected of you as a mandated or permissive reporter? Take Mandated Reporter Training.
There are both free and paid courses available.
Mandated reporter training is presently not required.

Trip Planning and Packing

Weekend Camping Packing List
All the stuff you should need for a weekend of Camping with us.
Summer Camp Packing List
All the stuff you need for a week at Summer Camp.
Summer Camp Information
We attend Summer Camp at Camp Horseshoe in Rising Sun Maryland, typically the last week of June. You can find information about the camp at the Camp Horseshoe Website and the Horseshoe Scout Reservation Alumni Association.

Order of the Arrow

The Order of the Arrow (or OA for short) is the honor society of the Boy Scouts of America. Membership is shown on the uniform by a patch on the right pocket flap and a white sash with a red arrow. Membership is given to Scouts who have achieved the First Class Rank, Camped 15 nights, and are elected by the members of their Troop.

Troop 151 supports the Order of the Arrow through our local Lodge, Unami 1

Unami Lodge
Our local Lodge. Contains most of the information you'll need to know.
National Order of the Arrow
National site for the Order of the Arrow.

Nearby Councils & Camps

These are nearby councils where we've regularly used their facilities for camping.

Cradle of Liberty Council
Our Council
Resica Falls Scout Reservation, Musser Scout Reservation, Camp Hart & Camp Delmont
Chester County Council
Some claim that we may already be a part of Chester County Council with all the stuff we do there. Camp Hoseshoe & Camp Ware
DelMarVa Council
Camp Rodney
PA Dutch Council
Camp Bashore
Washington Crossing Council
Camp Ockanickon
NE PA Council
Camp Achehela & Goose Pond Scout Reservation

Far Away Camps

Places that are on Chris' personal bucket list.

Summit Bechtel Reserve
The BSA's permanent Jamboree home in West Virginia. Also offers some summer-camp like programs in off years.
Baden Powell established this camp in the Swiss Alps as a permanent mini-jamboree for Scouts from all over the world. Open year round.
Úlfljótsvatn Outdoor and Scout Center
Iceland! Need I say more?
An international Scout Jamboree in Norwich, England. Next one is 2025.

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